Wellcome by 13DLHH and 21SMB Radiostation in Germany and Sweden.I like digital Mods like D SSTV,JS8Call,FT8, SimPSK31
New in 2024/25:
FT8 Mode on the 27.265 USB Mhz, Im sumtimes QRV in FT( on this Frequenzy,call me please...call is: SM21FT8 in Sweden
My Radio..P..George 2...Can switch to 10m,11m and 12m Band. I was in the Service Menü,so You can the FM DEV set higher,ist lauter Now. in FM , but I use SSB.In the Radio is a bridge to chance and a withe cabel to cut.No Potis !
My smal Yaesu TRX with Tuner....FT891 ,also good for RX Shortwave and JS8Call on 27.245 Mhz USB, my Call : 21SMB and 13DLHH in Germany,Hamburg.
Long Time, I have the IC 7300, verry fine SDR TRX for Shortwave and 6m band
Inside my 7300.I Chance the Fans..Original is to loud. And I fixed the Ends...
The Tuner Side
The Ends side and Filter,speaker....
Give a New radio in a ham version, its nearly the George 2...here Pictures and Infos.I dont have it...in this Moment, but .....later....
Memory Repeater for CQ Calling
Here Pictures from the New President Washington for Hams..10-12m Band and 90 Watts with 2 Fans.
My shortwave Receiver JRC NRD 525
Example in FT8 on 12m and 10m Band
Q S L Cards or JPG Pictures, Stations I Receive it.